Most marketplaces operate with standard Terms & Conditions that represent the fixed part of the agreement between platform and seller. Some marketplaces also have a paper / electronic contract which contains negotiable terms, such as fees, delivery conditions, payment schedules and other aspects which can vary depending on the seller. While you cannot really change the fixed part, it is possible to have some leverage on particular terms in the contract, especially if the marketplace considers you a valuable seller.
On rare occasions, the contract is more customizable. Some marketplaces allow you to negotiate almost everything, and you should take advantage of that.
Most marketplaces will have a bilingual contract with the local language and English, with the local language version prevailing in case of discrepancies. If they are not offering you an English version, ask for it.
- Identify which parts of the contract and T&Cs are negotiable and don’t hesitate to bargain. The business developer from the Marketplace has certain rights to give you concessions.
- Pay attention to the commitments you make, especially in terms of performance indicators (e.g. delivery speed), and always align them with internal stakeholders.
If you need help navigating and negotiating a Marketplace contract, you can always reach out to Marketplace Agents to get assistance on this and other parts of the onboarding process.